Monday, 10 September 2012

Update 10/09/12

Well, after a level 1 search, I finally managed to find the dongle that lets me connect my cameras flash card to the PC.  So without further ado, here are some photos of my 1/300 H&R aircraft.

A pair of Mosquitos (or Mossies if you prefer), on in maritime and one in temperate cammo schemes.  Paints are Vallejo, decals from Dom's Decals and hand painted by me.

Another view of the Mossies.  I picked up the flight stands at the Phalanx Show, but can't remember who from.  They pivot to allow the aircraft to dive, climb, bank, etc.  I've mounted them using a pair of REE magnets from FoW.

My Wellington, one of my favourites, the good old Wimpy!

The Lancaster, ready to add some extra firepower to one of Monty's offensives.

A pair of Hurricane IIs, hunting for DAK armour in the desert.

A pair of Blenheims, also ready to hunt down the DAK, fighter cover permitting.

That's it for now.  My kitchen table is bowing under the weight of British and German North African armour and infantry from H&R.  I also ordered some packs of GHQ fallschirmjaeger from Magister Militum, which I'm in the process of painting as the Ramcke Brigade.  They are in various stages of completion, from bare metal, through painted and varnished to based, so I'll be posting some more soon - now that I've found the dongle.