Wednesday 13 February 2013

Czech forces

A little help please!  Many years ago now, probably at least 8 or 10, I picked up a 6mm Czech cold war battle group at a bring n buy - no idea where now.  Anyway, most of the models were readily identifiable, but I'd like an opinion on the following models if anyone knows about these things.

No 1 - I think this is a turretless OT-64 - unknown manufacturer
 No 2 is by GHQ, I think it might be a T62A
 No 3 is a Mig 21, but anyone know who makes it with the wheels down
 No 4 is by GHQ and I think a T62, but it is significantly shorter than No 2.
 No 5 is possibly an OT-65 - I think!

Don't know why nos 1 and 2 are painted such a dark colour, either black or so dark green it might as well be black.  I can't find any reference to Czech forces using such a dark vehicle colour.

Anyway, when I got them out of the cupboard they were so dusty I had to rinse them under the tap to see what they were.  With the exception of the Migs, I think I might strip them and repaint to match my other Warpact forces.  If you can help confirm or otherwise on my IDs I'd be grateful.

Cheers and thanks for looking!

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