Sunday 26 May 2013

Gettysburg Battlefield 2013 - 150th Anniversary part 3 Oak Hill and Seminary Ridge to Barlow's Knoll

This is the northern part of the battlefield on the 1st July 1863.  While we were there it was raining heavily, so it was more difficult to get good views and to work out exactly what went on where.  However, we did manage to complete the auto tour with the following results.

The Mummasberg Road from Oak Ridge, ruler straight heading towards confederate lines.
 The Mummasberg Road heading into Gettysburg, visible over the eastern edge of Oak Ridge in the right foreground.
 Ewell's Corps marker on Oak Ridge.  Assaults from the north, especially by Early's Division, from 1pm onwards drove the federal troops out of their defencive line, exposing the flank of the forces on McPherson's Ridge, resulting in federal forces retiring to Seminary Ridge and, by niight time onto Cemetry Ridge.
 O'Neil's Brigade marker on Oak Ridge - assaulting the federal lines around 2pm on 1st July, this Brigade was heavily engaged but failed to breakthrough, until Early's troops arrived later in the afternoon when numbers began to tell and the Union line was forced back.
 Typical meadow flowers on the battlefield - these occur all across the Appalachians and line every watercourse or patch of soft ground.
 The McPherson barn is just visible over the ridge in the foreground.
 Snake Rail fence, typical of the battlefield at the time.
 The northeast flank of Seminary Ridge, the town of Gettysburg in the right distance.
 The Eternal Light Peace Memorial on the flanks of the Oak Hill summit, from the north east side of Seminary Ridge.
 Robinson's marker (CO 2nd Div 1st Corps) on northeast flank of Seminary Ridge.
 104th New York Regiment marker on steep northeast face of Seminary Ridge.
 The steep wooded slope of Seminary Ridge with federal brigade monument amongst the trees.
 88th Pennsylvanian Brigade monument on east side of Seminary Ridge.
 More flowers in the open space behind federal lines on Seminary Ridge.
 This little, unimposing marker lies almost forgotten, about 100 yards behind the federal lines on the east side of Seminary Ridge.  It marks the farthest point of a charge by 88th Pennsylvanian Regiment in which a number of prisoners and two confederate battleflags were captured.
 Rather grand 83rd New York infantry memorial on east flank of Seminary Ridge,
 88th Pennsylvania memorial on Seminary Ridge.
 Rear view of Robinson's memorial looking across the low lands across which confederate troops advanced to assault Seminary Ridge.  Barlow's Knoll is to the right, out of shot.
 12th Massachusetts Volunteers memorial.
 Barlow's memorial on Barlow Knoll.  This position was way beyond the lines on Seminary Ridge and were occupied by Barlow (XIth Corps, 1st Div CO) in error in response to earlier orders to advance from Shurz (XIth Corps Commander).  Around 3pm on 1st July, Barlow's forces were pinned to the front by Rodes and then hit in the flank by Early.  Their collapse destabilised the union position leading to a general wiothdrawal to Cemetary Ridge.
 153rd Pennsylvanian marker at the most exposed apex of the Barlow Knoll position.
Gun battery facing north from the most northerly position on Barlow's Knoll.
 The open fields, backed by woods, to the north of Barlow's Knoll.

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