Saturday 8 June 2013

Gettysburg Battlefield 2013 - 150th Anniversary part 5 Little Round Top, the Wheatfield and Peach Orchard

We left Seminary Ridge and crossed the Emmitsberg Road onto South Confederate Avenue.  This took us around the flanks of Big Round Top and onto Little Round Top, both steep sided domes with extensive woodland cover.  We parked at the lot for Little Round Top and walked out onto the summit in blinding sunshine.

View from Little Round Top looking southwest, Devil's Den to left in woods, to the right the woods enclosing the Wheatfield.
 Looking west towards the Wheatfield.
 Gouvenor Warren's statue at the point where he realised the significance of the Round Top positions for the union line and perceive confederate troops advancing through woodland.
 Warren;s statue is posed looking out towards Devil's Den and the Wheatfield.
 The slopes of Little Round Top looking towards Devil's Den and the slopes of Big Round Top - the union troops defending these slopes built rudimentary breastworks from stone (remains still visible in foreground) and timber, but were plagued most of the 2nd day by confederate sharpshooters even when not under direct assault.
 The remains of the breastworks can be seen in the foreground of this view looking northwest.
 Devil's Den from Little Round Top.
 Patrick O'Rourke's memorial on Little Round Top.  CO of the 140th New York infantry, he died leading a charge into the 4th and 5th Texas Infantry, greatly assisting in the defence of Little Round Top.
 16th Michegan infantry memorial in Little Round Top.
 Gen. Strong Vincent's memorial, close to the 16th Michegan's, marking the spot where he was mortally wounded and urging his men "Don't give an inch"!
 Impromptu stone defences higher in the wooded flanks of Little Round Top, facing the saddle between Big and Little Round Top.
 The remains of more defences in the woods and a considerably more recent tarmac'd pathway.  I was plagued with some sort of biting horsefly in these woods, yet another thing adding to the discomfort of the troops no doubt.
 Little Round Top from the Wheatfield.
 A panoramic view of the Wheatfield, showing it is almost completely surrounded by wooded areas.
One of the Pennsylvanian reserves infantry memorials with Little Round Top behind.

 The terrain between the Wheatfield and the Peach Orchard.
 Looking northwest from the vicinity of the Peach Orchard
 The 73rd New York infantry memorial at the Peach Orchard.
An unusual unit, the 73rd New York were also known as the 2nd Fire Zouaves.  Raised largely from New York firemen, these units at least early in the war fought in firemans uniforms.

Next up, the Angle and the highwater mark of the confederacy!

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