Tuesday 29 October 2013

21st Panzer Division - Normandy - Kampfgruppe von Luck

The last battlegroup, KG von Luck.

Stab Pz-grenadier Regt 125, CO/HQ in Kubelwagen, pioneer platoon in S307, motor-cycle combination recce platoon and Pak38 with Laffly tow.
II Batt/Pz-grenadier Regt 125, front right HQ in ex-French half-track with 8 Schwere Ko behind with 2cm Flak 38 in U304, 7.5cm Pak 40 on S307 and 8cm Reihenwerfer on S307.  To left, 5 Ko, three infantry stands plus one MMG and four ex-French/Itlian/British truck transports.
6 & 7 Kos from II Batt/Pz-grenadier Regt 125, as 5 Ko above.
On left, 3 Pz-gren Ko from I Batt, Pz-grenadier Regt 125.  On right 4 Ko from I Abt Pz Regt 22, 3 PzIV platoons.  Behind them are a stand each of Reihenwerfer on S307 (10 Werfer Ko - Pz-gren Regt 125) and a 15cm Lorraine SPG (9 SiG Ko - Pz-gren Regt 125).
 I Batt Pz Artillerie Regt 155, 1 battery of 10cm K18 and 2 batteries of 12.2cm FH396(r), all towed by Laffly prime movers.
 Stug-Abt 200, in centre HQ with Lorraine half-track, with 2 stands of 2cm Flak 38 on U304s behind, surrounded by 5 Kos, each comprising a 10.5cm Lorraine SPG, a 7.5cm Pak40 on S307 and a Pzbeobacht Lorraine FAO.  Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten the 2 stands of pioneers in S303s that should go with the HQ.

So, that should be it for the three KGs as they appeared on D-day, assuming I finish a couple of pioneer stands plus transports for Stug-Abt 200.  For completeness, I've yet to finish off Pz Aufklarungs Abt 21, but they only became available to von Luck late in the day of D-day.  More importantly, I need to put together the six stands of Pak43/41s for Pz-jaeger Abt 200 for defending the approaches to Caen, the SP Flak 38s and Flak 41s for Heer Flak Abt 305 and a R-Vielfachwerfer on S307 for 10 Werfer Batterie of Pz Artillerie Regt 155.

I'm not aware of anyone making a Vielfachwerfer, so might have to cannibalise a Katyusha rocket launcher to mount on a S307 half track.  Alternatively, I might just use a Reihenwerfer vehicle as it would historically provide KG von Luck with off-table fire support.

I think these should be able to keep the paratroopers at Ranville busy for a day or tow.


  1. It all looks very good Andy. It's not that often that you get to see the better part of a division on the table top so I'm it'll look great on the table top (assuming it avoid all the Allied naval gun fire and air support that it!).



  2. Thanks Richard. Yes, naval gunfire and aircraft for the Allies are going to punish any movement within line of sight. Time to dig in on the approaches to Caen and let the 3rd Division try and break through? At least that's what worked best for them on D-day. Cheers


  3. Yes I think digging in with heavy camouflage then moving at nights the best way to survive.

    Interestingly I have two different TO&E's for the StuG Abt and both of them are different to each other. They both have Hotchkiss conversions for SPG's (with 75mm or 105mm guns). I'm not sure which, if any, are "right", personally I prefer the H39 conversions but that's just because I like the H&R model.



  4. I based the organisation on the Fire and Fury web site TO&E - they specify the H39 chassis for the StuG battalion, but I didn't have the models - I'll get some in from H&R with my next purchase - I still need the PAK43/41s as well. All I have to do now is come up with suitable stats for BKCII so I can use them next month.

    Interestingly the F&F site suggests that the Recce Batt wasn't available on D-day, but the StuG Batt was. Reading Von Luck's "Panzer Commander", he suggests the opposite and that the Recce Batt was there in the evening, but that the StuG Batt didn't appear until much later. I'm guessing he should know, but....!



    1. Right I see, I thought you had another TO&E (which wouldn't of surprised me). The stats shouldn't be too hard, both guns have stats already, there's not much armour on them so a save a 6 might be about right and they are quite fast so perhaps a move of 25?

      One would hope Von Luck did know what he was talking about but it does depend on how soon after the event he wrote things down. I believe there's some details on the 21st Panzers actions on the Sturmpanzer site (see http://www.sturmpanzer.com/Default.aspx?tabindex=5&tabid=613&item=1&sec=3 and scroll down the list) which might help. The documents there are collections of veterans accounts collected by the US military, though useful they do often focus on actions against US troops.

      I see that you've started quite a lively debate on the baccus forum, decided to stay out of that one myself!


