Wednesday 27 November 2013

Paint by post and Royal Mail

In case you don't know, Royal Mail has applied an arbitrary restriction on the number of pots of water based paints that can be sent in a single package to 4.  If more are sent they will destroy the package.  If you order paints by post, or even if you don't but would like to be able to, please follow the link to the petition site below  and sign, as Royal Mail will only be persuaded if enough people complain - market forces and all that!  Please do sign even if the target signatures has been reached as RM are more likely to act if they think it will adversely effect business.  If nothing is done, this will directly impact on some of my favourite suppliers like Baccus, Minibits and Pendraken as well as many others.

Thanks for looking and thanks in advance for your support.

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