Wednesday 29 January 2014

French 1985 mechanised regiment

Here is the latest progress towards my French armoured division c. 1985.  It's an almost complete mechanised regiment, just lacking the three company 81mm VAB mortar carriers, which I have on order from Scotia.

Here's the full regiment.  At the front two HQs with a FAO on the circular stand.  Behind that are three mechanised companies, each of four AMX-10 stands with three infantry and one Milan dismounts.  Each of these companies should also have an 81mm VAB mortar carrier as well.  At the back on the right is an AMX-30 squadron, with a 120mm mortar support company and a single HMG stand, all mounted in AMX-10s.
 The various command stands.
 One of the mechanised infantry companys.
 The infantry dismounts.
 The 120mm mortar support company.
 The AMX-30 squadron.

Most vehicles are Heroics and Ros, except the command AMX-10s (Scotia) and the AMX-30s which are either Scotia or GHQ.  The figures are all Mainforce from Magister Militem and very nice they are too.

I've pretty much run out of suitable models now, so have placed orders for enough to finish off another mechanised regiment, a VAB infantry regiment and some attached engineer and recce companies.  I still have some Gazelles and Pumas to assemble and paint - I just find assembling the helos really fiddly.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Great work Andy, are you having the house extended to make room for all these models you're churning out?

  2. Nice job, and those Mainforce figures do look very good. How many figs do you get in a pack, if you don't mind my asking?


  3. Thanks guys. Richard - I'm doing my best to reduce the lead pile but it's still not working. At least I'm converting a big pile of metal into nicely coloured models.

    Prufrock, Magister Militum sell the Mainforce stuff as single blocks, which range in price from 20p for a single figure to 40p for a heavy calibre weapon like a .5 HMG. 30p seems the price for a three figure block. They also sell company packs, which vary in price depending on nationality and weapons mix in the pack. I've tended to go with what I want to make up the units as it gives me more control over the mix of poses. They also don't do artillery crew, but the command stands work for me at least for things like heavy mortars. Works out about twice the price of H&R,but cheaper than GHQ.



  4. Hi Andy,
    Blimey someones been busy! Do you have a team of painting pixies working for you!
