Sunday 1 June 2014

More Soviet air defences

I've had these models unpainted in my lead pile for at least 10 years.  They were originally going to provide some air cover for Iraqi forces during the 1st Gulf War for Modern Spearhead.  That project never got completed, so these lay forgotten at the back of the cupboard.  Not anymore.  Here we have four Gaz 66 light trucks (H&R SM51) and four deployed ZPU23 AA guns (H&R SM48).

This view shows a Gaz66 and ZPU23 stand in more detail.  These are painted in a basic Vallejo airbrush pale grey undercoat, lightly washed with Russian Green.  Canvas tilt and uniforms are Khaki Grey and windows and lights are picked out in Bluegrey with Flat White highlights.  The whole lot was washed in dilute Army Painter dark tone ink.

As ever, thanks for looking.


  1. Great stuff, keep them coming.

  2. They look great, can't wait for September game its going to look spectacular.

  3. What dilution do you use for the Russian Green wash?

  4. Thanks guys. Richard, it's about 1:1 paint and thinners (water and acrylic flow enhancer from Hobbycraft), although I find the Vallejo model air Russian Green is just right when applied with a brush. For the ink wash I use army painter dark ink diluted 1:2 with the thinners. Cheers, Andy

  5. Very nice, love your treatment of the glass windows...I'll have to give it a try on my next batch of trucks.

  6. Cheers Lee, I've been experimenting with gloss varnish too, to give them a bit of shine. Trucks can be a bit plain otherwise. Andy

  7. Great work, love the colors!

  8. Lovely! Your posts are convincing me I need to try some H&R minis as they look like they would go quite nicely with my GHQ ones.
