Thursday, 31 July 2014

ERC-90s from CinC

Wargames Emporium had their stock of models resupplied from CinC in the States and shipped out my Sagaie models, so here is the finished unit, the 1e Regt Hussars Parachutistes, three companies of three Sagaie platoons plus a HQ.  These seem to be allocated to larger formations by company, presumably to provide a bit of extra recce weight.

A couple of shots of the whole regiment.

One of the Sagaies in more detail.  These are really detailed models, although the barrel is a bit bendy, but fortunately doesn't seem too brittle.

The HQ stand, with a CinC Sagaie, I think a H&R VAB (courtesy of Ian Shaw - thanks Ian) and a command team from the Vietnam range by Irregular.

I've got some infantry on order from Mainforce to wrap up the legionnaires in VABs and some odds and ends from Scotia to complete a couple of HQ stands and that should be the French wrapped up ready for the megagame in September.

Now on the workbench is a whole bunch of 1980's British and Soviet armour.  I had a couple of armies for 1991 Gulf War, but was never happy with the paint job and it was never fun playing the Iraqis, so I've soaked them in Dettol and stripped them.  Unfortunately, the Howard Hues paints I used seem to have reacted oddly with the Dettol and turned into sticky goo which needed some scrubbing to get rid off.  Anyway, apart from the residual smell of Dettol, they are as good as I'm going to get and will be next on the workbench, although a Gripping Beast Saga army has been waiting patiently since Christmas, so it may be time to get them done as well.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Excellent stuff as always.

  2. Good work Andy, they're really nice models.

  3. Thanks guys, looking forward to getting these in action next month!
    Cheers, Andy

  4. I like those CinC models. Great work as always Andy. Looking forward to see these on the table in September.
    Richard P

  5. If you use the remaining Dettol to brush the models clean you will be 'gloop' free - it's adding water to the mix that makes the 'gloop'!

  6. Thanks Jules. Unfortunately the "gloop" formed while still in the Dettol. I found using absorbent kitchen roll to soak it up worked best. There were still some sticky bits I couldn't shift, but the models have painted up nicely. I'll post some photos of the Challengers and T-72s later.
    Cheers, Andy
