Sunday, 7 June 2015

6mm 1985 British Recce Regiment

Here we have a complete Corps Recce Regiment for a 1985 unit based in Germany for the upcoming Cold War Commanders game at Broughton in September.  the Regiment comprises three squadrons, each with a HQ, 4 Scorpion FV101 recce vehicles, plus a FV103 Spartan APC with scout infantry dismount and an FV102 Striker with Swingfire ATGM.  A squadron is at the front, with B and C squadrons behind and the HQ squadron at the back.

A squadron (B is identical), Scorpions at the front, Striker, Scouts and Spartan behind and HQ in Scorpion at the back.

C squadron is organised like A and B squadrons, but for variety I've put the HQ in a Ferret scout car.

HQ squadron, with an FV106 Samson LAD on the left, an FV105 Sultan command vehicle as Regimental HQ in the middle and an FV103 Spartan with dismounted Blowpipe or Javelin man-portable SAM on the right.

I suspect these might not perform too well against massed Soviet armour, but I suspect they could be pretty unpleasant for smaller units of armour or APCs, especially if terrain allows hit and run tactics.  One interesting tactic that Striker allows is to dismount the fire control system, which allows the vehicle to fire ATGM from concealing terrain.  This function isn't catered for in CWC, so might need a house rule.  This would help survivability enormously!!  They will be used as recce support within the rules system.

All vehicles are Heroics and Ros, infantry is Mainforce.  Paints are all Vallejo, except Tamiya British NATO green and Wilko Nutmeg emulsion pint for the bases.

Thanks for looking!


  1. Great work Andy, are the smaller bases to denote Recce Support?
    Richard P

    1. Hi Richard

      I was using the little bases for the CVR series as they can move like infantry, rather than as vehicles. However, when I get the FV432 battalions complete you'll see I have based them the same way, as they look a bit out of place on 40x20s.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Andy, I have asked for thoughts on a House Rule on the NATO forum to start with.
    Richard P

  3. Andy, very good job there, coming along nicely.

    1. Thanks Steve.

      I've got the FV432 battalions pretty much done, jut the HQs to do, but not started the Saxon or trucked TA battalions yet. Need to order some more bits and bobs from H&R.

      Cheers, Andy

  4. Looking good, Andy. I imagine these are for the Hannover game? Nothing like a deadline to focus your painting efforts; I need something... ;)


    1. Thanks Jack. Yes, they will be making an appearance in the Hannover game. They'll be trying to identify the main axis of advance of the Warpact forces in the British 1st Armoured Division area. They should have a Chieftain Regt and a mechanised infantry battalion in FV432s to help them in that task, with an armoured brigade of 2 Challenger Regts and another mechanised infantry battalion in FV432s in reserve to develop a counter-thrust. Just the two mechanised battalions to finish off, plus I'm doing a couple of extra infantry battalions, one in Saxons and the other lorried TA battalion. Still lots to do yet!

      Cheers, Andy
