Friday, 7 August 2015

1985 Battle west of Hannover

Ian wanted to try out some ideas for the Cold War Commanders megagame next month.  As the British defender, I was told to hold the airbase (on my left) at all costs, as well as hold the outskirts of Hannover (on my right).  So, I deployed two squadrons of Chieftains behind walls around the perimeter o the airfield, with FV438s occupying the woods on the far left, just out of view in the shot below.

FV438s line the edge of the woods to the left.  A tracked rapier waits behind the hardened aircraft shelters.

On the right, the outskirts of Hannover are garrisoned by a company of TA infantry.  A towed Rapier provides AA overwatch.

Woods in the centre are occupied by a company of mechanised infantry in FV432s.

The Soviet commander then scheduled two attack Hinds to strafe the area of the airbase, one of which was driven off by rapier, while the other managed two hits on a Chieftain.  Then a scheduled heliborne assault from Soviet MR conscripts.  Two helicopters were hit but not destroyed or aborted, so a full MR battalion arrived on the runway.

Meanwhile the Soviets brought on a MR battalion in MTLBs on the British left and a T-55 battalion in the centre, but failed to get the second MR battalion on board.  The FV438s made short work of two stands of MTLBs, seen burning in the front row to the left of the photo below.

The only action the TA company saw all night was a programmed strike on turn 1, which achieved very little.

Behind a convenient scheduled smoke screen (white rings mark corners) laid by the Soviets, the British Chieftains about faced and started to systematically knock out the bewildered conscripts milling about on the runway, with several suppressed stands visible (red counters).  Soviet IATW took out one FV438 and suppressed several Chieftains.

FV438s continued to target the MTLBs, knocking out three in the turn.  The T-55 battalion was peppered with FASCAM mines and then took a succession of Tornado attacks, initially with ICM, then iron bombs, which failed to kill any vehicle, but suppressed virtually the whole unit.

General Shaw awaits an interview with Lieutenants Kalashnikov and Beretta from the KGB.

Another fun game - some interesting ideas on the interpretation of the rules with Mike and Ian regarding line of sight and helicopters/aircraft plus the effect of using pop-up attacks.  Most enjoyable way to spend an evening.
Thanks for looking.


  1. Hi Andy,
    great looking game, Ian looks suitably bewildered!

  2. Hi Andy great looking warm up game. As Steve says Ian looks suitably bewildered and like he needed a sit down!
    Richard P

  3. Looking behind Ian there are more bewildered people!

  4. Thanks chaps - I couldn't possibly comment on the general level of bewilderment at the club on Thursday. I must admit, a nice sit down was definitely on the cards when I got home.
    Cheers, Andy

  5. ...and some liquid refreshment as well.

  6. Better make sure we have plenty of chairs for September!
    Richard P

  7. When does Ian NOT look bewildered?
