Sunday, 31 January 2016

20mm Argentine troops for the Falklands

The Falklands campaign of 1982 has re-emerged at the club as another set of scenarios for all those Cold War British infantry in our collections.  With the Top Malo scenario in the Force on Force rule book, there is a ready made scenario just waiting for the table top.

As the Argentine forces were, with some variation, largely kitted out in what appears to be US kit of the 60's and 70's, very similar to several NATO armies of the 70's and 80's.  This means that the generic NATO infantry produced by Elhiem should fit the bill as one option and, if not, then they will be useful as troops for Denmark, Norway and West Germany.

I've painted them with Russian uniform as the base colour, heavily dry brushed green grey and then lightly dusted green grey with a little white.  Helmets are olive drab, boots and weapons are NATO black dry brushed basalt grey.

These are NATO NCOs with Uzi SMGs.  Front view.

Rear view.

A mix of riflemen with G3 and FAL - I ordered mixed packs so took pot luck as to what was included as I wanted to try these figures out.  Front view.

Rear view.

LAW armed troopers, with a single Carl Gustav.

GPMG gunners for fire support.  Front view.

Rear view.

In the run up to Christmas, my other half asked me what I wanted as a pressie, so I came up with a list of gear from R H Models (Liberation range).  The Yolasite lists several packs of Argentines, but unfortunately most are labelled as not yet available.  However, there are three packs of FN riflemen listed, each of 10 figures, including 3 suitable for NCOs (pointing poses).  These are really nice crisp castings, but the range is crying out for some heavy weapon support.

First up, figures wearing parkas, with canvas covered helmets and goggles.  Front view.

And the second pack, very similar, but no goggles.  Front view.

Rear view.

The last pack in soft winter caps with ear flaps, some folded up and some down covering the ears.  Front view.

Rear view.

Finally, from the RH Models multipurpose range is a medic and figure carrying a wounded comrade, both wearing baseball caps but looking close enough to the soft winter caps figures to blend in well.  Front view.

Rear view.

These figures should work well for Argentine troops for the Falklands, but I think they will also work well for Norwegian and Danish troops in a hypothetical Cold War scenario, which is handy as I plan to try out some of the scenarios in the "Red Star, White Lights" scenario book which was published recently.  They came as something of a relief to paint, after working on DPM for the last couple of months, because of the simplicity of the monochrome scheme.  So, the basis there for a couple of platoons, which I might consider bringing up to company strength at some point.  Support weapons are a little thin on the ground, unless RH Models complete their list.  I've seen suggestions that 106mm recoilless rifles from the Platoon 20 US Vietnam range would be suitable, as well as .50 cals and may be even mortar support and WW2 bazooka teams.  For NATO, I'll have to add some of the Elhiem generic NATO Milan teams.
Thanks for looking.


  1. Very nice work - I will have a look at your suggestions as Argentine figures are a little thing on the ground.



    1. Thanks Pete,

      I posted over on the SOTCW forum and had a suggestion of the Reiver Miniatures US Korean War range of cold weather troops in parkas and includes the 90mm bazooka/M67, artillery crews, higher command, 81mm mortars and .50 cals. Sgts Mess now do a nice 106mm recoilless rifle as well. Platoon 20 US Vietnam figures would work but need some green stuff as they are mainly in shirt sleeves. The Reiver figures look decidedly chilly.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Good stuff, Andy, looks like you're going all out on the Falklands.

    They all look good, but my 20mm love is Elhiem ;)


    1. Thanks Jack. They were just so straightforward to do after all that DPM. Meant I could get loads done quite quickly. Also, I want some troops suitable for Norway, as I'm going to write up some AARs using the Red Star, White Lights scenario book for the SOTCW Journal.

      Cheers, Andy

    2. I felt the same way, such a break after painting a bunch of camo!


  3. Andy,
    They look great, do like Elhiem stuff. Like you say these are really useful for many Cold War smaller European forces.
    Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard. Yes, some Milan teams and they are good to go for Norway, which is where I'll probably be using them first.

      I do like the Elhiem figures, but I'm not so keen on the really hard, shiny metal finish - I never seem to get them undercoated completely and the paint often flakes - and that's after they've been through my dishwasher. Still worth it in the end.

      Cheers, Andy
