Saturday, 14 January 2017

20mm Colonial Highlanders

The first of my Christmas presents, a set of HAT colonial highlanders.  I've painted these up in khaki to represent the later colonial period and I'll also press them into service in my allied intervention forces for the Russian Civil War and Andreivia.  They will make up three units of infantry for TMWWBK (The men who would be kings) or a platoon of infantry for Arc of Fire in Andreivia, provided I add some highlander Lewis gun teams.

Platoon command, officer with pistol, piper and runner marching.

Riflemen in various poses from various angles.

More riflemen.

A mounted officer watching the highlander's manoeuvers.

The piper and marching figure in more detail.

Some riflemen figures in more detail.

I painted these guys as The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) with a tartan pattern painted as a chequer board of green and blue, with a khaki jacket suitable for the end of Victoria's reign through to WW1.  I hope to get these on the table in a game of TMWWBK next week.

Thanks for looking.


  1. They look great.



  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Brill! Looks like a useful addition to WoosterForce, who will be arriving from the direction of Mesopotamia.
