Monday, 22 May 2017

20mm Winter Russians

I'd completely forgotten about these winter Russian figures.  I painted up a sprue of Italeri Russian Infantry (Winter Uniform) last year in case they were needed for the Korsun Pocket game, although it turned out we had plenty of Russians..

Nice, detailed figures.  I did have to cut the bipod off the Degtyarov LMG and reattach it in the correct orientation, but other than that there was very little excess plastic to remove and they took the paint really well.

At Gauntlet, I also bought a single sprue of Orion Soviet Assault Group 1945, depicting assault engineers in their Amoeba camouflage suits.  These guys were relatively easy to clean up, although one or two had quite a bit of flash to remove, but this came away cleanly with a sharp blade.  I've left the bases as bare sand, so I can use them with my winter and summer troops.

Still got lots of Italeri and Pegasus winter Russians to paint and all those cheap diecast Russian tanks from The Works that need weathering and frosting.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Those are damn cool, Andy, pun intended;)

    Shall we be seeing these for some Chain of Command?


    1. Thanks Jack. No icy response from me! Yup, plans for Chain of Command and Battlegroup for these chaps. As they are individually based, they will work for either.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Nice job, Andy.

    One minor bit of pedantry: those are Degtyarev MGs; not Maxims. Nice the see them 'fixed' though.

    1. Thanks Richard. I should have checked the Plastic Soldier Review site more thoroughly - LMG name now edited. Be good to revisit the Korsun Pocket game if the opportunity arises.

      Cheers, Andy
