Tuesday, 5 December 2017

20mm Afrika Korps project

Inspired by the release of Battlegroup Tobruk, I took the plunge and invested in some 20mm WW2 western desert forces for British/Commonwealth and DAK.  I've been working on these off and on for the past few months.  Here are some pictures of the DAK kit.

First up the venerable Airfix 88 with a Britannia DAK crew.

Britannia DAK sniper team

Britannia/Kelly's Heroes Wehrmacht stretcher bearer team, painted as DAK.

Britannia/Kelly's Heroes Wehrmacht medic and casualty, painted as DAK.

Early War Miniatures Sdkfz 265 Panzerbefehlswagen.  Various bits of stowage from Sgts Mess and EWM.

EWM 47mm Panzerjaeger 1, stowage as before.

Britannia Miniatures Opel Blitz radio truck.  For some reason, this casting was awful.  I tried filling with Miliput but decided it was too much effort to make perfect, so it is what it is.  Let's call it battle damage.

The Britannia Horch staff car.  Not a bad kit, although the axles and subframe assembly, although a nice idea, was not easy to assemble.

Photos in the pipeline for the DAK collection are for Pz IIIs and IVs, infantry and support weapons.  Then there are the British and Commonwealth forces.  I'm still on the lookout for affordable/suitable Pz IIs and Crusaders.  Thanks for looking.


  1. Great to see the Airfix 88 still in use. I'm not familiar with the Britannia product line, I must check it out.

    1. Thanks mate. Britannia minis are available from Andy Grubb of Grubby Tanks. I like them a lot, the figures have a nice robustness and lots of detail.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Looks great, Andy! North Africa in 20mm, eh? Every time I think of North Africa I keep talking myself smaller and smaller; I tried 10mm, sold them off, now looking at 6mm or even 3mm.

    I love the idea of wargaming North Africa, but I just can't seem to figure out a good concept. What's your plan (what size of fights, but rules)? I need some inspiration! ;)


    1. Thanks Jack,

      I've mainly been inspired by Battlegroup and the Battlegroup Tobruk book. Played quite a few games now at platoon to company scale and they have a really good period feel with lots of unexpected twists and turns induced by the chit system. In 6mm, I'd use Blitzkrieg Commander. For the DAK and 8th Army, I have three platoons of infantry (using Italeri and Ceasar plastics with HMG, mortars, light AT guns in support. Then for the DAK I have 7 PzIIIs and 2 PzIVs with a plan to add 3 Pz IIs. That should be enough for a mid- to large sized game of BG. I'll do something similar with the Brits, with 3 Matildas, 3 Valentines and maybe 6 or 7 Crusaders. Add in a couple of AA guns and the jobs a good in.

      Cheers, Andy

  3. Lovely stuff Andy 😀 that radio truck looks fantastic

    1. Thanks Richard.

      Having spent a while trying to fill some of the worst bubbles, I just see them everywhere when I look at it. It's funny how so many of his casts are very good and then every now and then there is a complete dog. I should really have returned it I guess.

      Cheers, Andy
