Monday, 23 April 2018

20mm Late WW2 Luftwaffe air support

I'm still getting ready for the Battlegroup Market Garden weekend, which is coming up in a couple of weeks time.  Late war air support for German battlegroups is restricted to bomb and/or MG armed Bf109s and FW190s.

The Airfix late war Bf109G-6 armed with a single bomb, two underwing MGs and one firing through the propeller. 

This one is painted in light blue, grey violet and black grey.

An Airfix FW190A-5 ground attack version armed with 4 small bombs and one large bomb, plus 2 wing mounted MGs and a second pair of ?autocanons mounted in the nose.

This one is painted in a neutral grey, grey violet and black grey.

Cockpit detail on the FW190.

I thought these guys were wrapped up, but then I realised that Airfix don't supply the swastika decal for the tail, presumably as they are now based in Germany.  So, I will have to source a set of decals with a suitable-sized swastika included to complete them, which is a pain.

Anyway, I'm really pleased with how these have turned out.  Not bad considering I've not built a 20mm aircraft in best part of 40 years.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Turned out nicely. Of course now you've painted them they will never appear on the table, the fate of all new toys. I keep meaning to buy some swastikas for my German Aircraft but never seem to get around to it!

    1. Thanks Will. I fear you will be right, although I did manage to get two aircraft on table in one turn, the week before last. Unfortunately, they were not very effective against bunkers, even the Stuka.

      Cheers, Andy
