Sunday, 24 June 2018

15mm German tank hunters and flame tank

Yet more of my 15mm bargains.  First up a Jagdpanzer IV L70.  The striped camo scheme is based on one from a newsreel film, I think taken during the Battle of the Bulge.  This chap and another already in the collection should make an effective double act combining good front armour with a useful weapon penetration.  The model comes with mesh schurzen, but I have left it off as the fit is too fiddly and the vehicle looks pretty good without.

Next up, a Flammpanzer III.  Probably too lightly armoured to be really effective as it needs to survive long enough to get in close, but if it does … whoosh!  In Battlegroup the enemy take a chit just for coming under flame attack, plus the chance of infantry, even in reinforced cover, surviving is minimal.

Finally, for now, a Marder IIIH with PAK40.  Pretty poor survivability, but as a mobile AT gun using hit and run tactics, it can pack a punch and then scoot and hide.  A hit on it is pretty likely to be a kill though.

The Jagdpanzer is in a late war tri-colour camo scheme, whereas the Flammpanzer and Marder are in mid-war sand-yellow and brown, so more useful for Russia, but they can have a place as atypical vehicles even in very late war games.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Looking sexy, Andy, nice dry-brushing.


    1. Thanks Jack. Don't think I've ever had one of my models described as sexy before!!! I do like the dusty look at bit of Iraqi Sand gives. Makes the detail pop out.

      Thanks again, Andy

      PS Loving your recent AARs for Tunisia. We're just about to embark on a BG Torch campaign as well.

    2. Well, I stand by my assessment ;)
      And thanks, I’m glad you liked Tunisia, and I’m looking forward to your BG Torch.


    3. Thanks again Jack. Will and I are testing out BG Torch in a game this coming Thursday, so will try and take plenty of photos.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Richard. We need to meet up and give Battlegroup a go. Lots of nice kit in 15 or 20mm to push about the table.

      Cheers, Andy

    2. Definitely!!! Might be able to do one or two Saturdays soon as the competition schedule at the gym club slows down during late July and August. Maybe a Saturday in August not sure when it is? Is it the first weekend?

    3. Need to finally get my Gebirgsjager on the table! Just adding to them at the moment with some support options and a Kubelwagen and a Kettenkrad.

    4. First weekend is booked for the club every month, but we can always fit in a gaming day - just need a couple of weeks notice to get it booked. Saturdays are great as the hall is usually free, Sundays, the archers get a bit shirty at times if they can't loose down the full length of the hall.

      Cheers, Andy

  3. Lovely models, but the trouble is that they were substantially embedded into the beach/dunes so as little as possible was showing.

    1. Thanks Will. I'm assuming your comments relate to my later post on Atlantic Wall bunkers. On that basis, you're right 100%. As they stand, they are fine for plonking down on the table top for a pick-up game, but for anything approaching realism, they need to be built into a resistance nest style system with trenches, wire, mines and making the best use of the terrain and fields of fire. I love the "jp wargaming place" blog for his images of bunkers emplaced in a scaled down historical context.

      We'll have to give an amphibious operation a go at the club.

      Cheers, Andy
