Saturday, 25 August 2018

15mm M3 75mm Motor Gun Carriage

Yet more bargain Battlefront vehicles, this time a pair of M3 75mm Motor Gun Carriages.

These were primed pale grey and basecoated with Vallejo brown violet, washed in Agrax Earthshade and dry brushed Iraqi sand.  Metal tools and tyres are black grey and wooden items beige brown.  Crew figures are German Camo Beige and US field drab with brown violet helmets and mahogany brown for leather items.

Allied stars are from Skytrex.

Nice vehicles, they should provide some artillery support and an AT capability for my US forces for Torch, Sicily and beyond, at least until M10s become available.  I also picked up a job lot of 15mm M3s at the bring and buy at Britcon, so will be able to mechanize a companies worth of US infantry in due course.

Thanks for looking.


  1. How about T19s with their useful 105mm (if you have a supply truck nearby!)

    1. Yes, you T19s were very naughty bullying my poor lonely Tiger. I might just say my 75s are 105s if I need them.

      Cheers Andy
