Wednesday 27 February 2019

20mm WW2 British recce vehicles

I'm finally getting back to putting some paint on things.  These are British recce vehicles from Early War Miniatures and Ready to Roll vehicles.  Almost complete, just need tidying up and basing.

First up are three Humber A/Cs.  I picked these up for £1 each in the bargain bin from EWM at a show.  They had some big bubble casting flaws, mainly underneath and around the wheels.  I repaired these with some Milliput for the larger holes and an acrylic smooth artists modelling paste for the smaller bubbles.  The vehicle on the right is painted in Humbrol enamel paint for the base colour, while the other two are in Vallejo acrylics (Russian Uniform).  The crew are tankers from the Hat British tank riders set.  On the right hand vehicle, the pair of K guns are from an Airfix Willy's Jeep kit, mounted on a Sgts Mess mount.  Other K guns and Bren are from Sgts Mess, as are the stowage boxes.  The camo net on the right hand model was sculpted in Milliput left over from filling in the holes.

From the back, the various stowage items make each vehicle individual, so I can identify them on the tabletop.

A Ready to Roll Humber Light Recce Car (LRC).  Not a particularly potent vehicle, armed with a single bren, and it was mainly used, so I understand, by the RAF Regiment for airfield defence.

Another Ready to Roll vehicle, the Humber MkIV AC.  Widely used in NW Europe in the recce role and for many years post-war in a variety of countries.

Another EWM bargain bin rescue, a Dingo A/C.  This chap will also add to my NW Europe recce force and I may use this one as a recce command vehicle.  This model came with added stowage on the resin casting.

All six vehicles.  They need a light wash on the crewmen's flesh, a couple of leather goggles picked out, and maybe a 'tash or two, decaling and varnishing.  I think also a dry brush of Iraqi sand to help the details pop.  I think I will probably add bases to the EWM vehicles, to make them easier to stow for travelling and keep them in line with the Ready to Roll vehicles.  I'm also not sure about beret colours as to whether recce vehicle crew would wear the black tankers beret or the khaki beret, or might it depend on whether they are from armoured or infantry divisions?

Nice little castings to work with.  I do need to work out how to fix the turret to the body of the Humber MkIV as I don't want to just glue it down and it doesn't come with locating pins or lugs, so will have to drill out recesses for rare earth magnets to sit inside.

As ever, thanks for looking.


  1. Turned out nicely, mine are still sitting in a box somewhere

    1. Thanks Will. Any thoughts on the correct beret colour?
