Wednesday 27 March 2019

20mm WW2 Winter Germans - Early War Miniatures

I thought I'd try out Early War Miniatures (EWM) new range of winter German Panzergrenadiers.  I think these were formerly Sgt Major Miniatures.  A nice range of figures including riflemen, SMG figures, MG34 teams, AT teams with fausts and shreks, observer teams and loader teams.  I finished up with a pack of gun crew (for the PAK 41/43 that I bought) and a pack of 5 NCO/officer figures - painted below.

Photos were taken with my camera phone, which struggles with macro shots.

NCO in winter parka over greatcoat.

NCO pointing in winter parka and over trousers with a white fabric helmet cover.

NCO couching in autumn oak leaf parka with white winter overtrousers.

Officer pointing, again with autumn oak leaf parka and white winter overtrousers.

Pipe smoking officer in autumn oak leaf parka worn over a greatcoat.

Different angle on the pipe-smoking officer.

All 5 figures - at least this one isn't in soft focus.  Nice figures, the metal is very hard and a little brittle, but nice figures to paint with lots of raised detail.

I shall finish up with a full platoon from this range at some point.

Thanks for looking.


  1. They look great Andy, some nice poses in that range by the looks of it.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard, I like the obvious hooded parka style jackets. I tried to follow the Farnworth guide for the camo scheme.

      Cheers, Andy
