Thursday 9 May 2019

20mm WW2 German support weapons

I picked up some odds and ends for support weapons at the Vapnartak show earlier in the year.  First up, an Early War Miniatures PAK43 AT gun, plus 4 crewmen in winter parkas.  The gun was tricky to put together - I'm not a fan of the folded up and taped/stapled instructions in the EWM blister packs as they are very small and difficult to see the detail, plus, by the time you've unpicked the staples and cut away the tape, they are almost illegible.  However, the models do go together relatively well and look good.

Detail of the crew.  I used the Farnworth guide to try and get these guys in a spring reversible oak leaf pattern, so the white winter lining shows inside the parka hoods, while the spring pattern is made up of green blebs on a tan earth base colour.

I also picked up another 20mm AA gun with an SS crew from Grubby.  This went together well and makes a nice little group.  The crew wear London grey uniform trousers and my attempt at an autumn oak leaf pattern, similar base colour to the PAK43 crew with blebs of brown and orange-brown.

And finally a 120mm Mortar and crew.  I realised after that I had mixed up the crewmen - the guy with the range finder should have been with a Fortress PAK38 AT gun and should have been a bloke covering his ears, but I've managed to swop them, so now the mortar crewman will appear as part of the Atlantic Wall defences.

All nice figures, with lots of raised detail, making them really straightforward to paint.
Thanks for looking. 


  1. Look splendid, especial the artillery magnet of the Pak 43

    1. Thanks Will. I figured it will act as a distraction, so probably need to dig it in and model a loader team.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Great pics and descriptions, thanks for sharing.
