Thursday 25 July 2019

20mm Early War Germans

Trying out some classic early war German troops and vehicles.  I picked up some assorted plastic figures at the Penkridge Tabletop sale back in the New Year, which included these Caesar classic German infantry.  I've painted up an 8 man squad to test the uniform colours, of German WW2 field grey tunics and London grey trousers, with black grey for boots, belts, webbing, ammo pouches etc.  Infantry platoons for Blitzkrieg through to Barbarossa (and Kursk?) will comprise three 7 man infantry sections and three 3 man MG34 teams, plus a 6 man command section.

I'm quite happy with the way these look.

Here is the Zvezda PAK 40 that I posted on a month or so back, together with a Krupp Protz 70 troop transport from First to Fight.  This was a nice kit once completed, but I found the instructions much less useful than I'd hoped.

I was quite pleased with the early war panzer grey colour, which is Vallejo grey violet, with a blue filter and Agrax Earthshade wash.  I had a nervous moment as the gloss varnish turned it much darker, but the matt varnish finish coat lightened it again.

A pair of soldiers standing at attention.  Not much use on the tabletop, except maybe as guards or sentries.

Finally, for now, an Early War Miniatures Kubelwagen from their £1 mis-cast show box, which I've repaired with sculpting paste and Milliput.  Crew are AB, picked up at Salute in April - lovely detailed figures, which I need to do some more detailing on to show insignia better.

More detail of the crew.  Some insignia will finish them off nicely.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Excellent work. Maybe we should try a partisan game sometime.

    1. Thanks Will, glad you like them. A partisan game sounds interesting. Think there are some lists in the dispatches files from BG.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Great stuff Andy. Think it's Dispatches 2 with a Partizan list and a Gebirgsjager list 👍

    1. Thanks Richard. That's where I remember it from - when we were studying the Gebirgsjaeger lists.

      Cheers, Andy
