Thursday 19 December 2019

20mm WW2 US forces

Some 20mm US troops for WW2 - most of these were painted earlier this year, but I never got round to photographing them.

A pair of Ready 2 Roll softskins, the Dodge weapons carrier and a comms Jeep, both with crew from the Hat USA tank riders set, except for the two drivers and the radio operator in the Jeep, which came with the vehicles.

Viewed from the rear.

Converted turretless M5 recce vehicle with .50 cal.  Hull was a miscast from EWM at a show, tracks and crew were kindly donated by Will, weapons and stowage were from Sgts Mess.

Ready 2 Roll M8 Greyhound.

Ready 2 Roll M20 Utility car.

Dismounted armoured infantry platoon, figures mainly Italeri/Esci and Caesar.  Bazooka teams from Britannia Miniatures/Grubby.

Command squad.

Two medium MG teams.

1st BAR squad

2nd BAR squad.

A pair of water-cooled MMG teams.

Various engineers (and Rangers with grapnels) from Britannia/Kelly's Heroes/Grubby.

Artillery spotter team.

Medic with wounded and an improvised stretcher-bearer team, both from Britannia/Kelly's Heroes.

A pair of die-cast Pershings, picked up at various Bring n Buys.

A pair of Ready 2 Roll Sherman dozers.

I've still got some Shermans to post pictures of, as well as more infantry, including some Italeri/Esci winter troops.  Next to work on will be some Britannia/Grubby AT guns and 105mm howitzers.

As ever, thanks for looking.


  1. Excellent work on these Andy!

  2. Wow, that is a very impressive collection, Andy, kudos! And very impressive production; I thought it was going to be a couple jeeps, but then it was some armored cars, then some tracks, then some tanks, infantry, goodness man, great work!

    I look forward to seeing them on the table; 20mm individually-based troops. Now what are those for? Chain of Command, Battlegroup Normandy, something else?


    1. Thanks Jack. I'm going to use them mainly for Battlegroup Overlord through to Fall of the Reich, but so far they have mainly been used in Wacht am Rhine games - with mixed fortunes so far - I'm just getting used to keeping the tanks out of the way while the artillery does the work. Other than that, they will probably be used for Chain of Command and Arc of Fire. Following your inspirational Kursk blog posts, I've even bought I Ain't been shot mum, so will probably be using them for that too (although I'll probably do some sabot bases for them).

      Cheers, Andy

  3. Great work Andy they look fantastic!! Love the Dodge Weapons Carrier.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard, I've been using that as transport for my FHQ. I've got some of those Airfix Airborne jeep kits that Aldi were selling last year, so will do two of them as recce jeeps as well.

      Cheers, Andy
