Wednesday 22 April 2020

20mm WW2 US paratroopers (lockdown 4)

Although this is the fourth of my posts during lockdown, this is the unit I've been working on since we first closed down.  These are mostly Italieri/Esci US paratroopers with some Airfix and Revel figures, as well as some specialists from Grubby/Britannia.  According to PSR, these figures wear the M1942 uniform, which is a sandy colour.  Following recommendations on the web, I've gone with Vallejo green ochre, washed in Agrax Earthshade.  Webbing is Vallejo German camo beige and khaki, boots are saddle brown.  Knee patches are US dark green.  First platoon is illustrated below.

Three man FHQ.

Two man bazooka team.  Guy with bazooka is from the Italeri AT weapons pack.

Britannia Miniatures bazooka team.

Two man artillery spotter team, radio operator is Airfix.

A pair of .30 cal MMGs, meant to be the M1919.

2" mortar team from the Italeri AT weapons set.

Second platoon.  Not enough Italeri figures for 2 platoons, this platoon has more Airfix figures mixed in.

Command squad, all Airfix.

Mainly Italeri paratroopers with an odd Revel figure.

More paratroopers.

A pair of .30 cal MMGs from the Italeri AT set.

Engineering squad, Airfix figures with a Britannia flamethrower (front right).

Some more substantial AT capability from a Britannia 57mm AT gun and crew.

Another 57mm AT gun from Britannia, but this time the crew wear the M1943 uniform, making them suitable for Arnhem/Market Garden.

Mainly Airfix figures painted up as third platoon in M1943 uniforms.  These have a Vallejo Russian Uniform/green ochre mix for the main uniform colour, with webbing in green grey.  Britannia bazooka teams at either end of the front row.

Britannia bazooka team.

Britannia artillery observer team.

Airfix paratroopers in M1943 uniform colours (PSR suggests these figures are wearing the M1942, but here they wear the M1943).

More Airfix paratroopers.

That's cleared a lot off my painting table.  Even more can be cleared away when I finish the next platoon, which should bring my British paratroopers up to Co strength.  Then, for some variety, I have some various odds and ends, plus a troop of Britannia Special Boat Squadron troopers for the mid-war Mediterranean theatre.  After that, maybe some regular British and/or US infantry for WW2.

As ever, thanks for looking.


  1. Excellent work. I see you did not really bother about the uniforms. You just painted according to the year. I have the same problem. Limitations of plastic.

    1. Thanks GReg. The M1942 uniform is good through to D-day and Normandy, while the M1943 was issued to troops after they were withdrawn from Normandy prior to Market Garden and the battle for Germany. I'll probably add another platoon in the M1943, to give me a force for the later campaigns.

      Cheers, Andy
