Saturday 23 May 2020

20mm WW2 DAK Kradshutzen squad (lockdown 11)

I had a box of Italeri German motorcycles assembled and base coated, languishing in the stalled projects box.  So I dug them out, added a few DAK infantry figures that I bought at a BnB a couple of years back and finished them as a Kradshutzen recce section for my 20mm DAK force.

The box gives you two motorcycles with rider and pillion passenger, as well as two motorcycle side cars with three crew.  The sidecars come with the option to build as MG34 armed or with a trooper carrying an MP40 - I did one of each.

 One of the motorcycles with rider and pillion using a pair of binoculars, suitable as transport for the section commander or an artillery observer team.

The other version of the motorcycle - here the MC is stationary and the observer has put a foot to the floor to steady himself.

MC and sidecar carrying a trooper with MP40.

MC and sidecar armed with an MG34.

The Kradshutzen recon squad mounted.

And dismounted, a rifle squad of 5 on the left and an MG34 team of three on the right.  Figures are mainly Revel, with a couple of Airfix thrown in.

Individual shots of the dismounted figures.  NCO type.

Guy preparing to throw a grenade.



Officer with pistol.

MG34 gunner rushing.

Assistant MG34 gunner with rifle rushing.

Assistant MG34 gunner with MP40. 

MC as transport for an artillery observer.

Dismounted artillery observer team.

Two sets of these come with the Italeri MC box.

I quite liked the way these guys turned out.  Not for the last time, I used the Crowood Painting Guide for suggestions on the colour pallet and was not disappointed.

As ever, thanks for looking. 


  1. Fantastic, Andy, nice work! You are definitely in the painting production groove!


    1. Thanks Jack, saves me from climbing the walls or daytime tv.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Excellent, the chaps with binoculars are great and very useful.

    Cheers, Richard P

  3. Wow! Really nicely done! My appreciate!

    1. Many thanks, glad you like them.

      Cheers, Andy
