Tuesday 10 October 2023

15mm DBA Lysimachid Army

The club is seeing a bit of renewed interest in DBA and opted for a c. 300BCE period for armies to take part in a mini tournament.  I bought a couple of armies from Museum Miniatures, this one, a Lysimachid army and another Scythian army which is in the pipeline.   

The Lysimachids came with 4 bases of Phalangites (pike), 3 bases of Hoplites (Spear), a general's base of knights, a light horse base and three bases of psiloi.  I added some extras, 2 bases of auxilia (Bulgarian) spearmen (Ax4) and two of Thracians (Ax3) plus another Psiloi of Thracians, an elephant with tower and a pack of mules for a baggage base.  Gives me enough bases for the early and late Lysimachid periods with several options within each period.

The whole army.

War elephant, hoplites and Bulgarian auxilia.

Phalangite pike blocks, hoplites, General/Knights and Psiloi.

Baggage train, Thracian light auxilia, light horse and Psiloi.

A quick paint to get them in action as soon as possible, ready for the tourney in November.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Nice work. The elephant and baggage train are particularly handsome.

    1. Thank you. I had to improvise attaching the elephant and fighting platform for storage. Little blob of Blu-tack seems to work well.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Mr P. I've expanded them again now with some additional phalangite and auxilia spearmen options. Pics on them soon.
