Thursday 16 May 2013

3rd British Infantry Division Supports and Attachments for D-day and Normandy

Vatious supports and attachments for the 3rd Division, based for Blitzkrieg Commander.

From left, A Sqdn 22nd Dragoons RAC in mine-clearing Sherman Crab flail tanks, 77th and 79th Assault Sqdns Royal Engineers, each with a Churchill AVRE assault SBG, a Churchill AVRE with fascine and a D7 armoured bulldozer.
 Detail of the three troops in the 79th Assault Sqdn RE.
 Two troops of Sherman Crab flails from 22nd Dragoons.
 76th Field Regiment RA, 302nd, 303rd and 354th batteries, all in M7 Priests, shortly before their withdrawal from British service at the end of June 1944.
 Detail of the 16th Field Battery, comprising 2 stands of M7 Priests by Heroics and Ros, with two Adler AT crew figures.
 Another photo of the Priests - I like these models.
 Crusader Mk 1 AA tank
 Bofors 40mm AA stand and Morris Bofors tow.
 From the attached 1st SS Brigade, 4 Commando, 5 two stand troops of commandos on the left, with the HQ, a 3" mortar and a Vickers MG in the centre.  Right rear are two stands of Centaur infantry support tanks from 5th Independent Armoured Support Battery RM.  Right front are 2 two stand troops of commandos from 10 (Inter-allied) Commando (Commandante Kieffers free-French).
 Detail of the 4th Commando troops - figures from Adler.
 Kieffers free-French 10th (Inter-allied) Commando stands and Centaur support tanks.
 20th AT Regt, 17lbr AT battery towed by Quad prime movers.
 Quad and 17pdr by Heroics and Ros, crew and shell cases by Adler.

1 comment:

  1. Andy,
    Really interesting following your D Day progress. I have always wanted to do something similar after seeing reports of the Megagame years ago in one of the wargames magazines. I have the full OOB they used for the game which I believed used a variation on Spearhead. Another one I would like to do is the Rhine Crossing lots of scope for interesting units and great scenery.

    Take care

    Richard P
