Wednesday 15 May 2013

D-day landing craft

A small flotilla of landing craft.  The LCAs and LCMs are Heroics and Ros.  The LCT-5s were bought from Trafalgar Models at WMMS about 15 years ago, but no idea of the manufacturer.  These are completed in a basic sea grey, but need some blue-grey cammo stripes added and some suitable marking - now they are back in the light I'll have another stab at getting them finished off, along with some other LCAs and LCMs lurking at the back of the cupboard.
 Four LCAs ready for the assault infantry.
 Three LCMs - various vehicle loads.
 Two LCT-5s to carry specialist armour and the follow-up 27th Armoured Brigade 13th/18th Hussar Firelies and the other battalions.
 These are two Scotia LSI (small) that I ordered last year, ready to carry the 1st SS Brigade marines onto Sword.  These are neat little models.  I've added a crew of much modified left over WW2 german artillery crew figures to man the bridge and ?Oerlikon AA guns - they need a coat of deep sea blue uniform and khaki May West to finish them off as RN crew.
 The LSI (small)s in more detail.  They are crying out for me to finish the paint job.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Hi Andy,

    I do like those LSI (Small)'s.

    Have I started something by mentioning D Day on the BKC Forum?



  2. Hi Richard

    They are nice models - a bit fiddly to glue all the ventilation ports in place, but a nice final result. The resin is a bit resistant to acrylic paints as well - took a couple of undercoats to get an even finish.

    As for D-day, I've had a hankering to do Sword beach as a project for years - managed to get most of the British forces together, although I still need to sort out some more Royal Marine Commandos. Unfortunately, I got sidetracked before I put together more than a token German force. However, I've been re-boxing my 6mm gear as I'm starting to run out of room, so it seemed like a good idea to photograph them while they were out. A handy coincidence with your posts. Hope all goes well with your battlegroups.

    I'm still trying to get to the bottom of D-day tides as there seems to be a lot of confusing, misleading and just plain contradictory stuff out there. I saw one account of Omaha saying low tide was at 6am, but that high tide was at 10:30am, so 4.5 hours between the two - last time I went fishing there was c. 6.5 hours between low and high tide and I don't think that's changed in the last 70 years.



    1. I've put together US and German forces for June '44 using the forces landing/defending Omaha as the basis for my battlegroups (I did both sides as there are so few wargamers in Lancashire). I decided on a core set of units for each side (a regiment) and then added a series of optional units to allow a decent amount of variation in what could be fielded (I'll put the lists up on my blog later). I was also toying with building some of the various bunkers, trenches etc having found this link:

      Although these are based on Eastern Front fortifications the principles will be similar and I game the Eastern Front as well.



  3. Hi Richard

    Whereabouts in Lancashire are you based? Do you know Mark Bevis, he's based in Burnley and plays a lot of 6mm, I think. I'm based in Chester and regularly wargame with Ian Shaw at Deeside Defenders at Broughton - the wrong side of Chester for Lancashire, but could be do-able. We also have occasional wargames weekends at the Defenders so might be worth coming along. Of course there's the Gauntlet show in July - I'll be there I think playing Kursk on the Saturday and a Tunisian skirmish game on the Sunday (I think!).



  4. Hi Andy,

    I'm based just outside of Chorley (if you drop me an email I'll forward you my details - rnaylor1 at, which is about 54 miles from your club which would be doable at a weekend.



  5. Hi,
    good landing craft models are available from Scotia Grendel.

    1. Thanks David. Yes, I have some of their larger vessels from the Ship-to-Shore range and very nice they are too.

      Cheers, Andy
