Tuesday 18 June 2019

15mm Volkssturm platoon

I've been wanting to try out the movement trays from Warbases for some time, so took the opportunity to pick up some examples at the Phalanx show last Saturday.  I had several packs of Peterpig Volkssturm in the stash, so, having worked up a 20mm platoon, thought I'd do the same for the 15s.  These guys are based on pennies.

The whole platoon, command of 4, 3 sections of 8 and an MG34 team of 3, plus an 8 man recce infantry section and a 6 man Hitlerjugend tank hunter squad as supports.

4 man command squad, youthful Hitlerjugend CO.

1st squad.  8 figures, 2 with Panzerfausts.

2nd squad.  As 1st.

3rd squad.  As 1st.

MG34 team on the move.

8 man infantry recce squad - note the WW1 jagers front left and right, representing policemen.

6 man Hitlerjugend tank hunters - 5 panzerfausts between them.

Some of the Hitler youth in more detail.

Part of the recce squad - includes the Jager officer/policeman.

Volkssturm infantry including kneeling dude with Panzerfaust and kneeling Jager/policeman.

More Volkssturm infantry with armbands so they don't get shot as Francs-tireurs.

MG34 team - you can sense their pain struggling under the heavy loads in a greatcoat.

Now, they need to get dug in and await the Soviet onslaught or board the Opel Blitz bus and take the fight to the enemy.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Andy,

    Looking good man, always a fan of Peter Pig. With the individual basing and the sabots, I assume these are for Chain of Command? But you crack me up: "having a 20mm platoon, I figured I'd do a 15mm platoon." We wargamers are a strange bunch ;)


    1. Thanks Jack, couldn't agree with you more. Unfortunately, the guys I play with use 6mm, 15mm and 20mm kit, so unless I become "that guy" that is always borrowing stuff, I have to work in various scales. But then, I wouldn't do it if it wasn't fun.

      Cheers, Andy
