Monday 24 June 2019

20mm Zvezda PAK40

I've had this model of the PAK40 from Zvezda assembled and undercoated on the painting table for a couple of months.  I was in two minds whether to go with the crew figures supplied, which are in early war uniforms with jackboots, despite the gun itself not entering service until 1942, or replace them.  However, I already have at least 2 PAK40s from Britannia with crew in camo smocks and the crew figures from Zvezda are excellent, so I decided to go with a version suitable for the period from early 1942 until ankle boots and more basic uniforms became the norm, so very much suitable for mid-war.

Side on view - the apparent downward slope on the barrel is caused by warping of the plastic box lid that the model is sitting on.

The business end.  Static grass only recently applied and I've not yet blown the surplus off the front of the gun.

Oblique view from the front showing how the figures rest on the trails of the gun.

View from the rear, crew hunched behind the shield, gun commander spotting over the top of the shield.

Oblique rear view showing the crew in more detail.

The kit was quite simple to complete and clicked together - no glue needed.  The figures also click into the base snugly, so again no need for glue.  The combination of paint and varnish have locked them in place quite securely.

I like the look of this model, although I doubt it's survivability on the battlefield as, in Battlegroup, it will become the focus of quite a lot of attention from artillery, especially if I dig it in, although while the artillery is occupied with this one, any tanks or SPAT should be free to get up to mischief.

Thanks for looking.

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