Wednesday 18 March 2020

20mm SAS for 44-45 Europe

I picked up a pair of SHQ SAS jeeps at WMMS 2019 and they have languished in the "to do" pile all year, until I assembled them in a splurge of model assembly last month.  I then thought about dismounts, and decided to go with some Britannia Royal Marines - I think designed for D-day, wearing berets.  I picked these up at WMMS 2020 - fast worker me!  The SAS appear to have worn parkas with a similar camo pattern to the Denison smock work by airborne, but I wanted to make them a little different, so I could tell them apart of the tabletop, hence the marines, as they are carrying Bergen packs.  I did think about trying to model hoods in resin, but in 20mm, I figure the paint job is enough and the Bergens hide most of the area anyway.  The SAS in Europe didn't wear the sand coloured beret, opting for maroon like the airborne.

So, the pair of jeeps, armed to the teeth with 5 Vickers K-guns, two forward facing for the front seat passenger, one for the driver, to give him something to do as if driving wasn't enough, and a pillar mounted pair for AA duties at the rear.  The jeeps come with two crew, but I added a third crew man using spares from an SHQ jeep crew pack.

Jeep 1, rear passenger carrying a sten - otherwise identical to jeep 2.

Jeep 2, pear figure carrying a rifle.

Three man dismount team.

Second team - obviously the patrol commander in shouting pose.

The whole patrol dismounted.

Individual teams.


  1. Great work, I have an operation Amherst scenario somewhere

    1. Sounds interesting. Something to look forward to when we get through our present predicament. Keep safe!
