Thursday 26 March 2020

20mm WW2 US dismounted tank crew

I split a box of Orion winter WW2 tank crew with Will at the club, so decided I'd test out a handful of figures, opting for the five in combat poses, three carrying M3 SMGs, or grease guns, and two armed with pistols.  They are wearing khaki pants/shirts or overalls, with a pale green-khaki wind cheater over the top, helmets and goggles.

Interesting figure as I thought he bears more than a passing resemblance to a certain Clint Eastwood in Kelly's Heroes, which immediately made me think of a conversion with a fez head swop - no doubt it's been done many times before.  Looking more closely at the face though, I detect a certain resemblance to Brad Pitt in Fury, so I guess it's up to the beholder to decide if there is indeed any Hollywood resemblance - I'm sure the manufacturers would indicate it is purely coincidental.

As ever, thanks for looking.

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