Saturday 4 April 2020

20mm WW2 British (lockdown 1)

With all the time on my hands during the lockdown (my lad is now 2 weeks in to the school closures) the armies are progressing nicely from stash to table-ready.

First up is a selection of WW2 British equipment added to the stash but never completed, until now.

An EWM 17pdr with Britannia crew.  Should give the big cats something to think about, if they can avoid the attention of mortars.

Next, a BnB purchase at WMMS this year, PSC 6pdr guns and crew.  Three crewmen to each gun and 6 spare crewmen for loader teams or additional crew.

The 6pdrs with their Loyd carrier tows.

The Loyd carriers.

The optional canvas tilts don't need glueing in place, so there's a bit of variety.

Assorted medics, the two standing figure groups are from the Italeri/Esci set, while the kneeling figure is Britannia or Kelly's Heroes from Grubby.

A Ready2roll Humber Light Recce Car, bought at Vapnartak 2019 - this one was painted last year, but stalled at the gloss varnish stage.  I've decalled this up and finished the matt coat.

A Ready2roll Humber Scout Car, modified with the addition of an AB RAF liaison officer.  This one I painted after Christmas, up to gloss stage, so I've added the decals and matt finish.

Finally for now, an SHQ forward HQ of three men, officer, radio operator and NCO, with their jeep transport (I posted pictures of the jeep last year).

 I still have the rest of the Italeri infantry on the painting table - about 50% done, alongside a pair of PSC 25lbrs with crew.  I also have a pair of Cromwells to assemble and paint (WMMS BnB booty), to complete a troop from the Armoured Recce Regt.  More new troops in the pipeline!

Thanks for looking and keep safe!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Steve, we'll have to try and get a 20mm game in some time.

  2. Looking good, Andy, as always! I don't think I've ever seen that Humber light recce car before, looks pre-/early war. Looks like a good haul for some Caen and Market Garden!


  3. Thanks Jack. The Humber LRC was an early or possibly pre-war design and was pretty much phased out by Normandy, although some were used as transport for RAF liaison officers and RAF Regiment units for airfield defence. I read that two were even fitted out as luxury limousines to transport the Royal Family if they had to evacuate London in secret and security!

    Cheers, Andy

    1. Very cool, thanks for the info Andy!


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