Saturday 11 April 2020

20mm WW2 Waffen SS for Kursk (lockdown 2)

So, next unit completed during the lockdown is this Waffen SS infantry/panzergrenadier platoon, based on the Pegasus set.  I've painted them in Plane Tree camo blouses over field/mouse grey uniforms.

6 man command squad.  CO on the radio.  I particularly like the running figure with MP40 at the back, next to the Revell figure with rifle at the ready.

1st squad, MG34 team (includes 2 Revell figures) on left, rifle squad on the right.

2nd squad, rifle team on the left and MG 34 team on the right.

3rd squad, as 2nd squad.

Sniper, cunningly disguised as a corn stook.

Lots more to photograph and even more coming out of the stash and making their way to the painting table.  Stay home, stay safe, protect the NHS.


  1. Looking great, Andy! And that sniper is quite impressive.


    1. Thanks Jack, he's an interesting pose - not sure I'd fancy standing in an open field disguised as a corn stook. Hope you're keeping well.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Loving the sniper disguised as corn. Great work Andy, hopefully we can get together soon and get a game. Stay safe my friend.
    Cheers, Richard P

    1. Thanks Richard, yes, I think I'd feel really exposed pretending to be a sheaf of corn in an open field!!! Look forward to a game soon, you keep safe too.
      Cheers, Andy
