Saturday 2 May 2020

20mm WW2 Special Boat Squadron Italy and North Africa (lockdown 6)

Another unit flies off the painting table, this time a unit of Britannia/Grubby Special Boat Squadron troopers for the WW2 Mediterranean theatre.  Can't remember which show I picked these up at, but it was several years ago.  I had no idea when I bought them how they were organised, so went with a typical infantry platoon organisation of three sections of 10, with a 3 man command team.  It appears they were organised into boat sections of 4 men (2 kayaks worth), with larger sections and troops made up of multiples of the Kayak sections, so probably multiples of 8 or 12, although my reading hasn't yet caught up with actual organisations.

These were, as with most Britannia Miniatures, straightforward to paint with lots of raised detail.  I went with Iraqi sand for shorts and some shirts, with other shirts painted khaki or a mix of khaki and English uniform, which I also used for trousers.

The command team, CO, RTo and sten gunner.

10 man section with various weapons including rifles, stens, Thompsons, MP40s and an MG34, guy front left carries a satchel demolition charge.  I gave a couple of the guys green scarves to aid identification on the table.

Second section, as above, some guys with red scarves.

Third section, some with white scarves.

Detail of some of the troopers - armed with a Thompson SMG.

Trooper with sten.

Trooper with captured MG34.

Trooper with captured MP40.

Trooper with rifle and satchel demolition charge.

Fun to paint these, lots of grizzled beards and interesting facial expressions.  Not sure when I'll ever get to use them, maybe a game of Black Ops?

Thanks for looking.


  1. Those are fantastic, Andy, you're knocking them out!

    Funny you mentioned Black Ops, I'm working on a setup for that right now.


    1. Thanks Jack,
      Glad you like them. Yes, painting fills the days when I'm not working (lots of them as I'm furloughed at the moment). Black Ops is a good system. Might even have to dig out some commando types wielding daggers.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Richard,

      I enjoyed painting these.

      Cheers, Andy
