Tuesday 5 May 2020

20mm Free French North Africa (lockdown 7)

Strelets release of a box of Free French for North Africa came at just the right time to ride the wave of N African interest triggered by the release of Battlegroup Tobruk.  Sadly, they didn't make it to the painting table before interest at the club waned following disillusionment with BG Tobruk.  Well, lockdown gave me the incentive to get them out and paint them up.

I've organised these along similar lines to an 8th Army infantry platoon, with a platoon HQ of 5 men and three 10 man sections.  I need to research whether they would have followed UK organisation or retained their French organisation.  If the French, I'll need to add some rifle grenade launchers and another handful of riflemen.

Below shows the platoon HQ, with officer waving pistol on the right and, next to him, a senior NCO beckoning troops on.  Shorts and some shirts are Iraqi sand, some shirts and socks are khaki.  One figure wears long trousers, which are painted in a mixture of khaki and English uniform.

The platoon.

The two leader figures in more detail, photo not as crisp as I'd have liked.

First section.

Second section.

Third section.

Hotchkiss HMG team.  No kneeling figures in the Strelets box, so I used an 8th Army ESCI figure for the third crewman.

Support weapons aren't supplied in the Strelets set, so I will have to use 8th Army figures for 2" and 3" mortars and ATRs.  I may have to treat myself to a Hotchkiss AT gun from First to Fight with some early French crew.  Then I'm tempted to look out some figures suitable for colonial French or Italian local levies.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Lovely French units, love the HMG stand...

    1. Thanks Phil,

      Free French or Fighting French as Churchill called them after Bir Hakeim.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Liking these Mr C, a great looking unit.

    1. Just been reading about the Free French and it seems the VB Grenade Launcher could not be maintained due to lack of ammo so was discarded so I think your version using the more British organisation is ok.
      Cheers, Richard P

    2. Should have said equipment rather than organisation as it seems that continued with the French OOB even though they were using British equipment like Bren Guns, Stens and Thompsons.
      Cheers, RichardP

    3. Thanks Richard. Interesting about equipment getting used up. I wonder what stockpiles were available in Syria, and later in Morrocco and Algeria when the Vichy territories were liberated. Great finds on the Elheim page, I wasnt so keen on the Foundry figures.

      Cheers, Andy
