Sunday 10 May 2020

More 20mm WW2 British Paratroopers (lockdown 8)

I wanted to bring my British paratroopers up to company strength for I Ain't Been Shot Mum, so I've been working on additional infantry plus supports.  I couldn't find any suitable airborne vehicle decals, so these were handpainted.  White stars still need to be added.

Below is a pair of Ready2roll jeep tows, along with Airfiz 75mm howitzers.

A Britannia Miniatures/Grubby radio jeep.

An SHQ paratrooper universal carrier.

A pair of Britannia/Grubby 3" mortar teams.

Britannia/Grubby supply canisters.

British paratrooper platoon, mainly Revel figures picked up at WMMS back in early March (seems like years ago now).

PIAT team from the Italeri AT weapons set.

HQ section, Revel figures.

2" mortar team, firer from the Italeri AT box and assistant an old Airfix figure.

Paratrooper section, mainly Revel with some old Airfix.

HQ section from another platoon made up of mainly ESCI figures with some old Airfix.  Italeri 2" mortar firer from the AT weapon set, ESCI PIAT firer and Airfix assistants both Airfix.

Old Airfix CO and radio operator providing an artillery observer team.

PIAT team.

ESCI figures making up another paratrooper infantry section.  Two more similar to these make up another paratrooper platoon.

Britannia/Grubby medic with wounded and dead paratroopers.

Various sniper figures, Britannia/Grubby on the left, Esci centre and right.

A Britannia/Grubby pathfinder team, marking out the landing zone for the first wave of paratroopers.

That wraps up a company of paratroopers.  I can see a need for a couple more 6pdr AT guns and Vickers MGs and some recce jeeps.  There may even be room for the Britannia/Grubby divisional HQ group at some point.

As ever, thanks for looking.


  1. You're killing it, Andy! They look great, and there's so many of them! You're production is astounding, I'm jealous!


    1. Thanks Jack, as you can tell, I've got lots of time on my hands. The Mrs is a key worker for the NHS and my lad plays X Box endlessly, so as daytime TV is dreadful, I'm left with painting or reading, while listening to music.

      Cheers, Andy

    2. Sounds quite fortuitous buddy! ;)


  2. Shame, I had some spare 15mm Airborne decals that I go just to fit on 1/72 jeeps, etc.

  3. Oh, and I should make sure that my Rapid Fire British Airborne Brigade provides enough figures for an Airborne company

    1. Cheers Will. I've got some allied stars to add, but couldn't find suitable airborne decals anywhere. Which ones did you use, Flames of War? I'll have to look up what's in the RF organisations - have to be the D-day version as I don't have MG.

      Cheers, Andy
