Saturday 13 June 2020

20mm WW1 Middle East British lancers (lockdown 15)

A unit of 12 British lancers.  These chaps are the Hat Early War British cavalry set with solar topees head swapped from the WW1 Tropical British infantry set.  Nice figures, one or two overly bendy lances, due to the soft plastic, but not too bad, although the lances weren't as detailed as the bamboo lances of the Bengal lancers.

These chaps again wear khaki drill uniforms and are mounted on chestnut horses - I've given some of them white blazes and socks for a bit of variety.

The unit in column of march.

Detail of the commander.

Head swops were a bit fiddly - they are just held on with a good superglue and I'm hoping that the glue, plus paint and varnish layers will provide enough stability that they don't drop off, otherwise they are getting a pin through the head.

I plan to do some dismounts for these using the Strelets Imperial Camel Corps dismounted figures, despite these figures having the wrong bandoleers (no pouches on the back according to PSR).  That still leaves plenty of figures from that set for dismounts for the mounted set (9 camels and riders), plus enough for another couple of 12 man mounted sections.  I might do my Strelets late WW1 cavalry as mounted yeomanry and head swop some of the Strelets dismounted figures with Brodie helmets.  Still so much to do and as lockdown is gradually lifting, so too will my free time alas.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Scrubbed up nicely, we'll have to get them in play sometime once all this is over.

    1. Thanks Will. Hope the glue proves robust enough once they get on the table. Sounds great, hopefully not too much longer now. Just trying to join SOGG (Richard P sent me the link) - trying to get an interest in the game next year, but no joy on admission yet.

  2. Great looking cavalry Andy, well done!

  3. Excellent work Mr C the head swaps look great. Another unit to fight across the Tuzkhur Valley 😁

    1. Thanks Mr P,

      Sounds good to me. I really enjoyed those Andreivia games.

      Cheers, Andy
