Saturday 6 June 2020

20mm WW2 Late war Fallschirmjager (lockdown 14)

Another unit of 20mm WW2 Germans, these are Italeri (former Esci) fallschirmjagers.  I used the suggested colour pallet from the Crowood guide, which has turned out well, although they do appear a little dark from a distance.

The figures are really nicely sculpted and highly detailed, but they lack active poses and the majority are left handed, which makes the figures firing rifles look really odd.  Then there is the MG34 gunner leaning on his weapon, which is planted muzzle down in the dirt at his feet.  I suspect the elite fallschirmjager would not have done such a thing and I'm certain their NCOs would have had something to say on the matter, assuming the weapon didn't blow up in his face when he came to use it.

The whole zug, with a sniper in support.

Six man command team with panzerfaust.

Sniper - being a leftie, he looks most odd and I suspect unhistorical.

One of the rifle squads - all three are identical.

1st MG34 team with gunner grounding his weapon on the butt end, relatively correctly.

2nd MG34 team, with gunner nonchalantly grinding the weapon muzzle into the ground.  Earning himself a good chance of a charge, blinding or death in the process.

3rd MG34 team, this one using a German MG34 infantryman from the Italeri AT team set as there weren't enough supplied in the Fallschirmjager set.

Nicely detailed and easy to paint the raised detail, but I'm really not happy with them, mostly because of the high proportion of un-historical lefties.  Born in the 20's, you were likely to have had left-handedness slapped, smacked or whipped out of you very early on at school if not before and military weapons were almost exclusively supplied in the "normal" right handed version.

Still, they will do to use to try and stop the Allies breaking through the lines and in the last defence of Germany.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Andy,

    Yes, I remember those, and they did have quite a few... interesting poses, didn't they!? But you painted them up a charm, and you won't even notice that on the gaming table. And your observation on lefties cracked me up! ;)


    1. Thanks Jack, that's what I'm hoping. Looking forward to giving them an outing - not sure when though. My mum was a leftie and was full of stories of how they tried to "correct" her at school. Can't imagine Germany was any more enlightened in the 30s.

      Cheers, Andy

  2. Nice one Andy! Look forward to seeing them on the table sooner rather than later hopefully 👍

    1. Thanks Richard,

      Yes, can't wait, I don't think I've rolled a dice since WMMS back at the start of March.

      Cheers, Andy
