Tuesday 2 June 2020

20mm WW2 US armoured jeeps (lockdown 13)

A pair of EWM US armoured jeeps to beef up my US recce forces.  Each is armed with a .50 cal HMG, which gives it a bit of stopping power against infantry, while the armour gives it a fair chance of getting out of trouble or holding off infantry, as long as they stay out of Panzerfaust range.

Decals are Skytrex and I94 from Pendraken, but no VIN or unit markings as I'm struggling to find them in 20mm - I94 does them in 15mm, but they look tiny on the 20mm vehicles.

These should be able to help out the M8 Greyhound and M20 Utility vehicle I already have available as recce for US troops.  I'll probably add a couple of regular recce jeeps at some point.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Nice, but the armoured shield looks too high, compared to contemporary pix as the driver seems to be able to just see over the top of the armour, maybe he has a booster seat for normal driving, but still looks to low compared to the vision slit.

    1. Thanks Will, I just checked putting a small drill bit through the slit, trying to keep it parallel to the line of the base and it touches the brim of the drivers helmet, so a couple of mm too high for the drivers eyeline, although that's c. 6 inches in scale. Looking at the real thing, I'm guessing that drivers chose to jack the seat up as high as possible so they could see over the armour as I bet it was tricky trying to drive through the vision slit, although I also bet there was a quick release that plopped them down again if they came under fire. I'm not too worried about the height, I suspect these have been modelled buttoned down, as it were. Cheers, Andy

  2. Cool stuff, Andy! I couldn't imagine driving one of those things though, would rather have a 'regular' jeep, would rather rely on my observation skills than pray those plates stopped whatever I bumped into since I couldn't see anything! ;)


    1. Thanks Jack, I'd lay money on the drivers preferring to have a better view. As discussed above, I suspect they jacked the seats up as high as possible and only lowered them under fire. Interesting AAR during the initial attacks in the Bulge of one of these and a 17 man recce unit holding off a company of fallschirmjagers through three successive attacks for most of a day. Afraid I can't remember the unit, but it's an interesting scenario.

      Cheers, Andy
