I've added some extra heavy weapons teams to my Chechen force for Andreivia (Arc of Fire) and Force on Force. These are all from Under Fire Miniatures, three SPG-9 teams and an AGS-17 AGL. Rear right is the original SPG-9 team I painted last year, in front are the two additions.
One of the SPG-9 teams in more detail, ready to meet the Andreivian Armenian armour.
The AGS-17 team for when the opposition infantry gets a bit bunched up.
Thanks for looking.
Hi very cool units. I have been looking at wargameing The Chechen vs. Soviets also looking in to a Peter The Great Vs Chechens I like Peter he was I would say the Best leader Russia ever had. Anyhow great job on the Minis:-) Greyson in Va. USA