
Thursday, 6 March 2025

28mm FIW British Commanders

 This pair of British mounted officers from Eagle Miniatures will be added to my French Indian Wars army.  My first foray into the period, do took quite a bit of Internet digging to get the right look.

I suspect I might need to add some coloured detail as they seem to be modelled with lace, but not turnbacks, and I can't find any suitable images online.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

28mm Muskets and Tomahawks

 Will and I played a game of Nam 68 today, but sadly didn't manage to take any photos.  These are from a game of Muskets and Tomahawks from before Christmas, which is what we planned to play today, but Si and Matt weren't well so had to cancel.

My Brits, Si's French and mostly Si's game mat and terrain - the fort is very nice.

The rules played out nicely and didn't require lots of figures, 12 for regulars, 6 for irregular Europeans and Native warbands.  Lots of nip and tuck with shifts in advantage.  It was no fun watching my loyalist Indian warband slaughtered in hand to hand, but refreshing for a British firing line laying fire on the Frenchies - very effective.

Thanks for looking.