I finished up the platoon of Mediterranean infantry (DAK figures painted in a mix of tropical and temperate uniforms). New figures are at the front, while the test figures I posted earlier are at the back. I like the motley look that the mix of uniforms give to the unit. Apart from southern European action, I think these would work well as units defending Tunisia, as well as troops fighting in the Caucasus.
The whole platoon, three rifle sections of 5 men and three MG34 teams, plus a 6 man command team at the back.
Assorted close-ups of the figures.
I shall do another of these at some point and I am also scouring my unpainted figures for troops in greatcoats so I can add some figures in earthy brown DAK greatcoats - those early mornings in the desert can be chilly, while the mountains of Tunisia can be bitter.
Thanks for looking.